Friday, August 5, 2011

Why Does Fat Look So Much Worse On White Women?

       I did an image search for "cellulite" and these were two of the first images that cameup. I hope you didn't just eat. This is the first time I've seen a picture of Tara Reids flabby ass but it goes to prove something I'm always saying. White women can't afford to have any extra weight on them. Cellulite looks disgusting on them. Their bodies look disgusting if they aren't extremely thin. Sometimes even when they are extremely thin they still manage to have cottage cheese legs.  Black women can have extra fat on them and still have a good shape. I see white women all the time who are really thin but still have this problem. I won't even get into their varicose veins. I will save that for a future post. If you are one of them, please start to cover up. People don't want to see it.


  1. Eww that is so nasty. I see what you are saying about it looking more gross. I never noticed. I geuss we are just blessed.

  2. White women have the worse body of all races of women.....the fat never deposit in the right places....White women need to work extra hard to stay tone...even thin...their body can carry too many dents.

  3. @Queen and Anonymous, i agree with you, but you don't see many asian women with much weight on them. they could be just as bad. but yea overall they have the worst bodies.

  4. Ever notice how BM love these dumpy white women? They think they won the damn lottery when these women talk to them.


  5. That's not fat that's somebody running, a black person would look like that too if they were running, not only that she's probably some 60 year old. The girl on the right does not look good. Way to take it out of context, is this going to be another racist site like whitewatch?

  6. @ can see the white woman is young..her back is youthful..her legs need a lot of work...and whether the girl on the right look good or not is your opinion and that doesn't mount to much since the point is about carrying body weight better..and the one on the right clearly has more body fat and it's in all the right's not racist to make an obvious observation-Queen

  7. I can’t even believe that someone who say white women have the worse bodies? LOL,. Nearly all black women in this country are fat, nasty and ugly. Why do you think there are so many single black women? And this white women in the photo! Her ass is just fucked up looking, looks like she was fat at one point and then lost some weight… I can vouch for this, My white wife, who is 35 years old is a dime piece. I bet the person who wrote this first post is some fat and nasty black women…

  8. race has nothing to do with it.
    the woman herself does. We all have differant body types, and shapes, this will depend on the way fat looks. I have seen many white woman with sexy, perfect bodys, just as many as coloured woman. And i agree with the above, loosing a large amount of fat results in extra skin, which is what the first picture is.

  9. When it comes down to it, everyone will either die young or get old and flabby AND THEN die. Can't people just live their life without racist or grossly rude comments about their bodies? These are pictures of two women out of the billions of women in the world; it seems pretty fickle and naive of someone to base an argument off of the less than 5% of the world's female population that they've seen.

  10. You're stupid.

    One photo is a candid shot taken on a beach. The other is a retouched and posed photo. stupid.
